Terms & Conditions
The information below outlines how the University of Wollongong (“UOW”) will conduct and manage accounts on the Play + Learn Together website. By registering for this account via https://www.playandlearntogether.com.au/signup, you accept the following terms and conditions. The account you create will be used by you to save and refer back to your favourited play experiences and play blogs.
Terms and Conditions
1.1 Creation of accounts is open to parents and families of babies, toddlers or preschoolers, and all members of the public.
1.2 There is no fee associated with creating or using an account.
1.3 Accounts are ongoing, with no set term. If you wish to amend or cancel your account, please contact [email protected].
1.4 UOW reserves the right to cancel accounts and/or disable the website at any time and without notice at the discretion of the UOW website management team.
1.5 UOW is committed to ensuring the privacy of each individual’s personal information as required under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW), and any other relevant privacy legislation. The handling of personal information by UOW is detailed in its Privacy Policy and Privacy Management Plan which are available on UOW’s privacy homepage at https://www.uow.edu.au/privacy.
1.6 UOW will use the personal information you provide to UOW in connection with your account for the purpose of administering the account. UOW may also use de-identified data for internal and external reporting purposes.
1.7 You will be solely responsible in respect of any loss or damage that results from your participation in your account or the use of the website.