Volcano Experiment

Make a volcano that erupts!

Materials Required

  • Empty plastic bottle
  • Baking soda
  • Food colouring
  • Vinegar

Optional materials

Funnel, Sand, Dirt

Play experience profile

Play Experience Preparation

Collect an empty plastic bottle - Gather your baking soda - Gather your food colouring and vinegar.

Experience Steps

  1. Place an empty plastic bottle in a mound of sand or dirt.
  2. Use a funnel to add some baking soda to the bottle.
  3. Mix some food colouring and vinegar together.
  4. Pour this mixture inside the bottle.

What to talk about, or questions to ask during the experience

  • Watch your volcano erupt.
  • What can you see?
  • What is happening to your volcano?
  • Why do you think this happened?

Build on this...

  • What happens if you add more baking soda?
  • Encourage your child to create a scene with animals, adding natural materials to enhance the play.
  • Research volcanoes with your child using digital technology.

WHO guidelines for physical activity and sedentary behaviour

Provide evidence-based public health recommendations for children, adolescents and adults on physical activity. Learn more

Building the volcano will involve physical activity to include even more... challenge your child "How far away can you run while your volcano erupts?"

EYLF Outcomes

The Early Years Learning Framework has been designed for use by early childhood educators working in partnership with families, children’s first and most influential educators. View PDF

  1. Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating
  2. Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, place, technologies and natural and processed materials
  3. Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity

EYLF Principle

Principle 5: Ongoing learning and reflective practice. Critical reflection involves closely examining all aspects of events and experiences from different perspectives.

EYLF Practice

Practice: Learning environments. Indoor and outdoor environments support all aspects of children’s learning and invite conversations between children, early childhood educators, families and the broader community. They promote opportunities for sustained shared thinking and collaborative learning.


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