Play & Learn Together
Here you will find high-quality play experiences and the voices of experts for and about children, their play and learning.
This is a partnership that produces a multitude of play experiences backed by research and practice. This project brings the best minds together—people who spend most of their time thinking about children, families, play and learning. Those people from Early Start at the University of Wollongong, Early Childhood Australia and Playgroup Australia have partnered to create this inspiring space.
This work is generously funded by The Ian Potter Foundation.
Early Start - A place where research, education, and community come together for children, especially for those growing up in regional and remote Australia. No matter their background, circumstance or challenges - we stand for kids. Early Start is a collaborative initiative between the Commonwealth Government, the Abbott foundation and the University of Wollongong to positively impact on the life trajectories of children growing up in regional and remote Australia.
find out moreIan Potter Foundation – Our vision is a fair, healthy, sustainable and vibrant Australia. Our aim is to support outstanding charitable organisations and invest in Australia’s innovative and creative people. Through its grants, the Foundation seeks to invest in Australia’s intellectual capital, encouraging excellence and supporting Australia’s talent: the visionaries, social entrepreneurs, scientists, academics and researchers, artists and teachers, and those who dedicate themselves to bettering our communities for the benefit of all.
find out morePlaygroup Australia - The Playgroup movement has been providing and supporting playgroups for almost 50 years through the work of each state and territory organisation and community coordinators. Playgroup organisations lead play-based programs and services for families with children birth to school age, offering development, shared experiences and family support. Playgroup Australia provides a national voice for playgroups, on the importance of play and early childhood development, parental capacity building, peer support and community connectedness.
find out moreEarly Childhood Australia (ECA) has been a voice for young children since 1938. We are the peak early childhood advocacy organisation, acting in the interests of young children, their families and those in the early childhood field. ECA advocates to ensure quality, social justice and equity in all issues relating to the education and care of children aged birth to eight years. Our Vision is that every young child is thriving and learning and we focus on achieving this vision by being effective advocates for young children and a champion for quality outcomes in early childhood education and care.
find out moreHow can I get involved?
There are 3 ways to be a part of this inspiring project..…
Families and educators: Engage with these experiences to play! You can customise your experience for you and your child here (you will need to create an account)
Early childhood teachers and educators: Contribute to the site with an inspiring play experience for children (you will need to create an account)
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